Sanukehl remedies are polysaccharides that act like haptens.
The thirteen Sanukehls
works in a specific way to support revitalization of the microbiological terrain, stimulate
the immune system, remove blockages, address hypersenstitivity and/or can act as
an intermediary in treatment with nosodes.
Sanukehl Acne (Pleo™ San Acne) indicated for rheumatoid arthritis and acne conglobata.
Medicinal ingredient: Propionibacterium acnes
Sanukehl Brucel (Pleo™ San Brucel) dysmenorrhea, influenza, intermittent fever and
subacute rheumatoid arthritis.
Medicinal ingredient: Brucella melitensis
Sanukehl Cand (Pleo™ San Cand) in cases of Candida mycosis, conditions associated
with the upper and lower digestive tract (stoatitis, aphthous ulcers, pain in small
intestine, colitis, constipation after treatment with antibiotics), gingivitis, eczema and
dermatosis (especially following antibiotic treatment).
Medicinal ingredient: Candida albican
Sanukehl Coli (Pleo™ San Coli) for conditions related to inflammation of the gastrointestinal
tract (irritable bowel, coltis), liver, kidney and genital area (urinary tract infection,
prostatitis, vaginitis) and in case of acute food poisoning.
Medicinal ingredient: Escherichia coli
Sanukehl Klebs (Pleo™ San Klebs) supportive therapy for influenza, pneumonia
bronchial asthma and other respiratory conditions and after antibiotic therapy.
Medicinal ingredient: Klebsiella pneumoniae
Sanukehl Myc (Pleo™ San Myc) for bronchial asthma, arthritis and nephritis.
Medicinal ingredient: Mycobacterium bovis
Sanukehl Prot (Pleo™ San Prot) for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis,
dysbiosis, upper digestive conditions, bladder (including bed wetting), genital and herpes.
Medicinal ingredient: Proteus vulgaris
Sanukehl Pseu (Pleo™ San Pseu) infectious and allergic dermatitis, insect bites, burns,
upper respiratory tract infections (e.g. bronchial asthma, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis,
hay fever) and autoimmune diseases.
Sanukehl Salm (Pleo™ San Salm) for chronic bowel problems associated with E. coli
and salmonella, chronic GI inflammation, pancreatitis, celiac disease, malnutrition
and failure to thrive in children, rheumatic fever.
Medicinal ingredient: Salmonella enteritidis
Sanukehl Serra (Pleo™ San Serra) for chronic middle ear and inner ear problems
(including from air travel), infectious tinnitus.
Medicinal ingredient: Serratia marcescens
Sanukehl Staph (Pleo™ San Staph) staphlococcus infections, sinusitis, angina, meningitis,
pleuropneumonia, anthrax
Medicinal ingredient: Staphylococcus aureus
Sanukehl Strep (Pleo™ San Strep) for strep throat, skin infections, carditis, chronic
rheumatoid arthritis, migraine.
Medicinal ingredient: Streptococcus pyogenes
Sanukehl Trich (Pleo™ San Trich) for individuals who are allergic to their own fungal
conditions, mycosis of surface, hair, nails, tinea and trichophytons, impairment of skin
function and hair loss.
Medicinal ingredient: Trichphyton verrucosum
works in a specific way to support revitalization of the microbiological terrain, stimulate
the immune system, remove blockages, address hypersenstitivity and/or can act as
an intermediary in treatment with nosodes.
Sanukehl Acne (Pleo™ San Acne) indicated for rheumatoid arthritis and acne conglobata.
Medicinal ingredient: Propionibacterium acnes
Sanukehl Brucel (Pleo™ San Brucel) dysmenorrhea, influenza, intermittent fever and
subacute rheumatoid arthritis.
Medicinal ingredient: Brucella melitensis
Sanukehl Cand (Pleo™ San Cand) in cases of Candida mycosis, conditions associated
with the upper and lower digestive tract (stoatitis, aphthous ulcers, pain in small
intestine, colitis, constipation after treatment with antibiotics), gingivitis, eczema and
dermatosis (especially following antibiotic treatment).
Medicinal ingredient: Candida albican
Sanukehl Coli (Pleo™ San Coli) for conditions related to inflammation of the gastrointestinal
tract (irritable bowel, coltis), liver, kidney and genital area (urinary tract infection,
prostatitis, vaginitis) and in case of acute food poisoning.
Medicinal ingredient: Escherichia coli
Sanukehl Klebs (Pleo™ San Klebs) supportive therapy for influenza, pneumonia
bronchial asthma and other respiratory conditions and after antibiotic therapy.
Medicinal ingredient: Klebsiella pneumoniae
Sanukehl Myc (Pleo™ San Myc) for bronchial asthma, arthritis and nephritis.
Medicinal ingredient: Mycobacterium bovis
Sanukehl Prot (Pleo™ San Prot) for treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection, gastritis,
dysbiosis, upper digestive conditions, bladder (including bed wetting), genital and herpes.
Medicinal ingredient: Proteus vulgaris
Sanukehl Pseu (Pleo™ San Pseu) infectious and allergic dermatitis, insect bites, burns,
upper respiratory tract infections (e.g. bronchial asthma, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis,
hay fever) and autoimmune diseases.
Medicinal ingredient: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sanukehl Salm (Pleo™ San Salm) for chronic bowel problems associated with E. coli
and salmonella, chronic GI inflammation, pancreatitis, celiac disease, malnutrition
and failure to thrive in children, rheumatic fever.
Medicinal ingredient: Salmonella enteritidis
Sanukehl Serra (Pleo™ San Serra) for chronic middle ear and inner ear problems
(including from air travel), infectious tinnitus.
Medicinal ingredient: Serratia marcescens
Sanukehl Staph (Pleo™ San Staph) staphlococcus infections, sinusitis, angina, meningitis,
pleuropneumonia, anthrax
Medicinal ingredient: Staphylococcus aureus
Sanukehl Strep (Pleo™ San Strep) for strep throat, skin infections, carditis, chronic
rheumatoid arthritis, migraine.
Medicinal ingredient: Streptococcus pyogenes
Sanukehl Trich (Pleo™ San Trich) for individuals who are allergic to their own fungal
conditions, mycosis of surface, hair, nails, tinea and trichophytons, impairment of skin
function and hair loss.
Medicinal ingredient: Trichphyton verrucosum
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