Friday, March 23, 2012



Achieving a healthy terrain It is now widely accepted that no disease entity can develop in an alkaline environment. In other words, "over-acidification” is a root cause of disease. Furthermore, no matter what type of medicine is being administered on a patient (e.g. allopathic, homeopathic, herbal, etc.) in a balanced acid-base state the remedy will work more effectively, as the body itself functions more efficiently. The human body is an alkaline organism living in an acid environment. The blood (the life stream of the body) remains at a constant pH of 7.4 (meaning it is slightly alkaline). Under conditions where the body becomes acid, it is inevitable that the individual is either ill or soon will become ill. [You have probably observed this in your own body.] So, if the build up of acidity in the body is a leading cause of all degenerative disease processes, the corollary of this is that the elimination of these toxic acids from the body would be beneficial in combating such disease states.

ACHIEVING pH BALANCE THREE EXCELLENT CHOICES IN ALKALIZING • 2 DIFFERENT FORMULAS • 2 FORMATS (powder, tablets) Alkala - 150 g Ingredients: Each g contains: Sodium bicarbonate . . . . . .0.89 g Potassium bicarbonate . . . 0.089 g Sodium citrate . . . . . . . .0.0178 g

ADULT DOSAGE: Take one level measuring spoon in water once a day or as directed by a practitioner. Basic Powder- 250 g The main factors that cause the body to become acidic are: an unhealthy diet (consuming too much protein and not enough fruits and vegetables), lifestyle factors (stress, smoking, emotional condition Ingredients: Each g contains: Calcium (calcium carbonate) ...... 155 mg – e.g. being unhappy) and taking synthetic chemicals (drugs).

Magnesium (mag. carbonate) ....... Potassium (potassium bicarbonate) .. 70 mg 70 mg Protein, fast foods, milk, coffee and the likes make the body acid, as the waste they create when broken Sodium (sodium bicarbonate) ....... 85 mg down is extremely acidic. Stress and other lifestyle factors cause acidity as they overtax the excretory sys- tems with excess acid. Drugs are even more acidic than protein. Most drugs contain nitrogen, which is first converted to nitric acid (a strong acid) and then bonds with one of the body’s beneficial minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium) as a mineral salt, before subsequently being excreted from the body. Since the blood’s acidity is kept constant, when con- fronted with excess toxic acids, the blood stream acts to defend itself by transporting these acids to the lig- aments and connective tissues for storage. There they can cause pain and inflammation. Then at night, the blood transports these stored acids to the liver and kidney for processing and elimination. As a result, the urine should be acidic first thing in the morning, but the rest of the day it should be alkaline.

ADULT DOSAGE: Take 1/2 to 1 tea- spoon in liquid up to 3 times a day (away from food) or as directed by a practitioner. Basictab™ - 180 tabs Ingredients: Each tablet contains: Calcium (caldium carbonate) ...... 103 mg Magnesium (magnesium carbonate) 45 mg Potassium (potassium bicarbonate) . . 10 mg Sodium (sodium bicarbonate) . . . . . . . 57 mg * Elemental mineral amount shown

ADULT DOSAGE: Take two tablets three times a day (away from food) Symptoms of an Unbalanced Biological Terrain (Acidification) In the early stages, an unbalanced terrain may be more difficult to detect, without testing. Initially, an individual with an acidic condition may exhibit (and feel) a heightened sense of well being. This is because the body in processing excess acid generates a stimulatory effect. At this stage, the individual (patient) believes himself or herself to be healthy. However, over time as acidification increases, such a person may become irritable, tired, experience greater difficulty sleeping, complain of aches and pains and have swings in appetite. These are warning signs of acid accumulating and being stored in the body.

Other symptoms can include: o obstipation, constipation and gallbladder pains o frequent headaches o reduced oxygen carrying capacity o pain, particularly in the neck and shoulder muscles o enlarged tonsils, coated tongue and halitosis o moist hands with poor blood supply, cold hands o skin rashes and a tendency to sweat o susceptibility to colds and bronchitis with large mucous secretions (the body’s attempt to rid itself of excess acid) o women may be pale with scant, heavy or irregular periods o sour stomach, indigestion o indican (revealed through testing) which confirms the presence of rotten by-product and a dysbiotic condition o signs of aging, as sodium is depleted from the body fluids and potassium from muscles causing wasting and weakness, and then calcium from the bones which takes the form of osteoporosis, arthritis and the like.
Although North Americans have among the world’s highest calcium intake, they also have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis (bone de-mineraliza- tion).
While most practitioners pay attention to their patient’s calcium intake as a means of contributing to healthy bone mineral content, not enough attention is given to the importance of calcium excretion from the body. Strong healthy bones are closely correlated with dietary acid/base balance. In the digestion process, all food consumed is carried to the kidneys either as acid or base. In the case of a high acid diet, the acid needs to be buffered by alkaline, which it draws from elsewhere in the body. As the largest reserves of alkaline base in the body is in the form of calcium salts present in the bones, these salts can become depleted and leave the body via the urine. The goal therefore is to minimize acid loading of the kidneys. Osteoporosis is but one example of the con- sequences of not maintaining a balanced pH. With the exception of the few people who eat a raw food diet of predominantly fruits and vegetables and have largely remained free of stressful conditions in their lives, most members of our society have bodies that are too acidic. Since it has taken a long time for one’s body to become acidic, it will take some time for the body to de-acidify. Depending on an individ- ual’s state of health and age, in some cases it can take up to two years to remove these stored toxic acids from the connective tissues and cells. In other words, this is a process that will take some time. However, helping a person to overcome an acidic condition and creating a balanced terrain in the body is one of the greatest health benefits a health practi- tioner can bestow on his/her patients. Dr. Maria Bleker one of the leading doctors responsi- ble for introducing Pleomorphism (Sanum) in the United States, believes so strongly in patients achiev- ing a good pH terrain balance that she does not treat anyone in her practice with any other remedies until a good pH has been achieved. She also insists that the patient checks his or her urine daily with a pH strip and teaches them to adjust their intake of food to accomplish proper pH and only then (reluctantly) pre- scribes Alkala™, as most patients want the “easy way out”. The main minerals that are the bases in our bodies are calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The only way an individual can restore minerals depleted from the body is through the consumption of fruits and vegetables. An alkalizing powder (such as Pleo Alkala™ or Basic Powder™ or Basictab™) will not replace the lost minerals. Instead, its role is to bind with and flush out the toxic acids, which have accu- mulated in the body. If the acids in the body leach out or take away more of the minerals from the body than are replenished through consuming fruits and vegetables, a person will become acidic – it is that simple. If all the excess acids consumed during the day are not excreted the next morning then they are stored in the body. In many people this process goes on every day for years. This is not the cause of chronic degenerative disease; this is the chronic degenerative disease.

How To Take An Alkalizer Any alkalizing (or buffering) powder should only be taken on an empty stomach, between meals. It is important that stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) is available at mealtime in order to break down (digest) food goods. Since taking a buffering agent would impede acid production in the stomach (and there- fore interfere with digestion) it should not be taken around mealtime.
Whereas, when taken away from food, the alkalizer acts to remove excess acid-producing cells from the stom- ach lining and cause more bicarbonate to enter the bloodstream. The best time to take such an agent is two hours after a meal. Therefore, it can be taken once in the morning (say about 10:00 A.M.) and once in the afternoon (say around 2:30-3:00 P.M.). Provided no food has been taken before bedtime, Pleo Alkala™ or Basic Powder™ can also be taken at night.

The recommended dosage is 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of alkalizing powder in water or juice between meals and before bed, i.e. three times a day. It is often rec- ommended that warm water be used to more closely match the stomach’s temperature. For persons who do not like taking powders, 2 to 4 tablets (Basictab™) can be taken at each interval instead. One method of determining the quantity of an alka- lizing agent a person should be taking, involves the individual not taking any Pleo Alkala™ or Basic Powder™ for a day – so as to rid their system of it. Then, the following day, a urine pH test should be performed, at the same time as the alkalizing powder would have been taken, (e.g. between meals, say at 10:00 A.M. or 2:30 P.M.). The urine pH reading should be between 7.0 to 8.0. If it falls below 7.0 the body is still acidic and the buffering agent should be contin- ued. If the pH reading is between 7.0 and 8.0 then the quantity of powder can be reduced. It is not nec- essary to take pH readings too often. Checking the pH of the urine at 10:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M., once every week and then every month (once it stabilizes) should be sufficient. After a period of treatment with Pleo Alkala™ or Basic Powder™, a patient's pH readings will return to nor- mal levels. This means a balanced terrain has been created, at which point the individual should have noticed their symptoms improving. Following this re- mineralization process, the patient will now have bet- ter results with other subsequent treatment protocols as well. Over the Counter Antacid Drugs Over the counter antacid drugs (e.g. Pepcid®, Zantac®, Tagamet®) block the production of acid in the stomach. As such they only provide symptomatic relief. These H2-blockers work by arresting the pro- duction of hydrochloric acid by the stomach and thereby providing temporary relief from "acid indiges- tion". However, the use of antacids in the long run aggravates the problem (an acidic terrain) as they simply cause the acidity to back up further in the sys- tem. In other words, while they may provide sympto- matic relief (as most allopathic remedies do) their use is simply a way of postponing resolution of the acid build-up problem until a later date. Summary Over acidification is probably the greatest single cause of poor health in our society. Only by living a healthy lifestyle which includes eating good quantities of fruits and vegetables (ideally organic), reducing the consumption of protein and processed foods, taking steps to minimize stress in one’s life and being judi- cious about the use of prescriptive drugs can one hope to maintain a balanced biological terrain.
In a state where acid and base are in balance (pH 7.0) the body has an opportunity to achieve optimal health. In order to reach that optimal state of balance, a good alkalizing agent such as Pleo Alkala™, Basic Powder™ or Basictab™ should be used to assist in flushing the accumulated build-up of toxic acids from the body. Note: Contact Biomed to request a chart showing the relative acid-alkaline rating of different foods. Also pH papers are included with Alkala™ or they can be purchased separately.

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