Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Diabetes - What now?

A Type 1 Diabetic looks at Life

by Gerhard Hauptmann

Semmelweis-Institut GmbH
Verlag für Naturheilkunde • 27316 Hoya • Germany 1

Diabetes originates on the emotional
level as a result of feelings being
penned in. If no attention is paid to
feelings, they cannot be expressed;
there is no reflexion. This gives rise
to pain, and one feels isolated. The
repeated fear of separation, of being
alone, results in withdrawal and in
one’s feelings being checked and
finally locked away.All expression
of one’s own personality is increa-
singly restricted, the stream of vital
energy grows thinner and thinner.
The playful child, joy, expression,
light-heartedness, lack of restraint,
all are sentenced to death, since in
any case their emotions are ignored.
Furthermore, children often take on
their parents’ emotions or behav-
iours. Emotions, which are denied
expression, maybe in order to avoid
friction and maintain a harmonious
family life, generate tensions which
a child cannot cope with, and so it
withdraws into itself. It doesn’t
venture to express how it is feeling,
out of a wish not to upset the „ap-
parent“ harmony. So, even in early
childhood, it learns to keep a check
on its emotions.

It is not the sweetness (nourishment)
in life that the diabetic does not
allow himself to enjoy, but the fact
that he is no longer capable of
experiencing fullness of life, the
sweetness of it, even if he receives
this in the form of food. Seen in this

way, the diabetic disease has the
function of teaching the body how
to feel once again, by withdrawal
or control of eating, by the body’s
over- and under-reaction to sugar.
However, the appearance of the
disease marks the beginning of a
vicious circle. Instead of feeling, the
diabetic checks up on himself even
more. He checks his blood-sugar
level, he checks what he is eating,
checks his life, and in doing so, he
gets further and further away from
his emotions. Even eating is over-
organised and becomes a con-
sidered, rational process, in order
to keep the blood-sugar levels
within a predetermined range. This
makes it difficult to access what is
really essential for him. The diabetic
concentrates on his illness and
identifies himself with checking.
Thus, checking becomes an ob-
vious component of his life and, in
the final analysis, it determines the
pathway of his life. Even if the
diabetic believes he possesses full-
ness of life, he is mistaken. His own
permanent state of checking
unconsciously forbids him from en-
joying sweetness, the joy of feeling
that he is part of the here-and-now,
and enjoying it. Reason is the body’s
internal checking authority. How-
ever, it can only carry out its
checking function, if the thoughts
are captured in the past or the
future. As no checking is possible
in the „now“, reason tries with all
the resources at its disposal to pre-
vent this state.

Healing is within the reach of a
diabetic, if only he can become
aware of his feelings, express them
and affirm them. However, the
diabetic must become aware not
only of his feelings, but of himself.
He cannot deny his own feelings and
live out the expectations of another.
He must rediscover himself, his true
wishes and feelings in the here-and-
now. Once this state is attained, the
diabetes has fulfilled its task and is
redundant. The diabetic, who no
longer needs to be one, can enjoy
the sweetness of life for himself once

First published in the German language
in the SANUM-Post magazine (69/

© Copyright 2004 by Semmelweis-
Institut GmbH, 27318 Hoya (Weser),

All Rights Reserved

Semmelweis-Institut GmbH
Verlag für Naturheilkunde • 27316 Hoya • Germany

The Treatment of a Diabetic Toe

- a Case Report

by Devi Hauser, Naturopath

Semmelweis-Institut GmbH
Verlag für Naturheilkunde • 27316 Hoya • Germany 1

I have been treating this 68-year-
old farmer, Mrs. I.M., for about
three years for Type I (insulin-
dependent) diabetes mellitus. She
is obese, has prominent varicose
veins, arthritic hips and knees on
both sides, and her fat metabolism
is disordered on account of the
diabetes mellitus.

Suddenly at the end of April 2007
an inflammation broke out on the
second toe of her right foot. As I
was away at that point, Mrs. I.M.
went to her family doctor, who X-
rayed the toe, and dressed the
wound, applying a dressing with
ointment. He advised the patient to
seek early amputation of the toe.

Over the next few days, the swelling
and inflammation of the toe in-
creased. In the meantime, I had
become contactable again, and
Mrs. I.M. came to see me at my
practice on 1.5.2007, so that I
could get an impression of the state
of her toe (see Fig. 1).

The patient agreed to follow my
instructions to the letter.

The dark-field microscopy of the
blood produced the results as set
out in Table 1. These results indi-
cate a congestive state, i.e. a disease
picture that was the work of Mucor

Treatment was begun immediately.
While she was still in consultation I
administered 1 measuring spoonful
of Pleo ALKALA N in hot water.

Meanwhile I cleaned the toe and
then set weals at the acupuncture
points MP2 (pancreatic functional
deficiency) and MP5 (master point
for weakness of connective tissue),
using Pleo NOT 7X and Pleo FOR-
MASAN. Using the remainder of
the injection solution I applied
urtication directly on and around the
affected toe.

The patient was to come to the
practice each day for a check-up.

The home treatment plan con-
sisted of the following points:

milk products, and no hen's eggs
(as proposed by Dr. Werth-
mann). This dietary change was
urgently needed, as the patient
was eating pork, yoghourt,
quark, cheese etc., almost every
day, i.e. foods, which all favour
excess protein and over-

- Every morning and evening,
1 measuring spoonful of
Pleo ALKALA N powder in a glass
of hot water on an empty

- Twice a day before meals, 40
drops of Pleo SANUVIS.

- Daily foot-baths using Germa-
nium bath pearls (from the BIO-

- Additionally, on alternating days:
Mornings and evenings, 1 tablet
each time of Pleo NOT 5X
with 20 drops of Pleo FORMASAM;
Pleo NOT 3X ointment to
be massaged into the toe.On the
next day, twice a day, 1 tablet of
Pleo MUC 5X and 20 drops
3X ointment to be massaged into
the toe.

- Strict adherence to diet devoid
of primary antigens, i.e. no pig-
meat, no cow's milk or cow's

Fig. 1: State on Day 1 of presentation Findings
As the patient was coming to the
practice every day for check-ups, I
could also perform micro-blood-


The patient was hoping to avoid the
amputation with a natural thera-
peutic approach. After an exa-
mination and lengthy consultation I
came to the conclusion that a
conservative attempt at treatment
was certainly appropriate. Should
there be no improvement within
three days, or should the situation
deteriorate, I considered that the
amputation would be unavoidable.

Pronounced filite formation
Sporoid symprotites
Moderate quantity of mychites,
rouleaux formation
Thorn-apple cells
Lemon-shaped cells
Blood shadows

Table 1: Dark-field blood microscopy

Disordered blood supply
Excess protein
Leaky Gut syndrome
Excess protein, over-
Parasitic infestation
Liver under stress
Disordered thyroid function
Sign of inflammation

Semmelweis-Institut GmbH
Verlag für Naturheilkunde • 27316 Hoya • Germany 2

lettings to give some relief to the
swollen toe.

As documented by the pictures,
even after the second day there was
a substantial improvement (see
Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: State on Days 2, 6 and 8 of

In addition, I also injected the follo-
wing at acupuncture point Liver 13,
to stimulate the metabolism: 1 amp.
Aesculus Injeel (Heel) + 1 amp.
Lymphomyosot (Heel) + 1 amp.
Arnica Injeel (Heel).

Afortnight later, the toe had already
healed and the treatment was ter-

To celebrate this success and sta-
bilise her newly-achieved well-
being, the lady treated herself to a
3-month course of intestinal clean-
sing, according to the following

- Diet: devoid of primary antigens,
i.e. no pig-meat, nothing
containing cow's milk or hen's

The introductory phase of the
treatment extended over 10 days:

- Pleo ALKALA N powder, twice a
day 1 measuring spoonful in hot
water, to be drunk on an empty

- Pleo SANUVIS, 20 drops twice a

- Pleo FORT 5X, 1 tablet
twice a day

- 20 drops of Phœnix Solidago at
18.00 hrs (time of maximum
renal activity)

- 3 capsules of SILVAYSAN
before sleeping, to support the
liver at its time of maximum
activity (1.00 - 3.00 hrs)

From Day 11 to the end of the 3

Monday and Tuesday:

- Pleo ALKALA N powder, twice a
day 1 measuring spoonful in hot
water, to be drunk on an empty

- Pleo SANUVIS, 20 drops twice a
- Pleo CITRO, 20 drops once
a day in the evening

- Pleo SANKOMBI 5X, 10 drops
mornings and evenings before

- 20 drops of Phœnix Solidago at
18.00 hrs (time of maximum
renal activity)

- 3 capsules of SILVAYSAN
before sleeping.

- Pleo ALKALA N powder, twice a
day 1 measuring spoonful in hot

water, to be drunk on an empty
- Pleo REC 6X 1 suppository
in the evening before sleeping
(combats inflammations and
arthritis and regenerates the

Thursday and Friday:
As for Monday and Tuesday.

- Pleo ALKALA N powder, twice a
day 1 measuring spoonful in hot
water, to be drunk on an empty
- Pleo SANUVIS, 20 drops in the
- Pleo CITRO, 20 drops in the
- 20 drops of Phœnix Solidago at
18.00 hrs.
- 3 capsules of SILVAYSAN
before sleeping
- Pleo EX 3X, 1 suppo-
sitory each morning and evening

- As for Saturday, but instead of
Pleo EX 3X, 1 suppo-
sitory each morning and evening,
Pleo FORT 3X

After three months, this intestinal
cleansing could also be terminated.

Fig. 3: State 3 months after treatment

The patient was given detailed
advice as to her eating and drinking.

Semmelweis-Institut GmbH
Verlag für Naturheilkunde • 27316 Hoya • Germany 3

She is still (March 2009) keeping
to these recommendations, besides
which she is continuing to take
Pleo ALKALA N baths regularly, 3
capsules of SILVAYSAN, a White-
thorn preparation and, half-an-hour
before meals, she drinks liver-bile

After two years Mrs. I.M. is still in
good health. Her diabetes has
improved considerably. Last
December the patient celebrated
her 70th birthday, and many of her
family and friends were there. Her
toe was healthy, and she was in an
astonishingly good state of health.

First published in the German language
in the SANUM-Post magazine (88/

© Copyright 2009 by Semmelweis-
Institut GmbH, 27318 Hoya (Weser),

All Rights Reserved

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