Tuesday, March 13, 2012

RubiMed P.S.E.

Rubimed AG of Switzerland distributes high potency complex homeopathic remedies, used in the treatment of psychosomatic (emotional) conditions. Developed by Dr. Reimar Banis, MD (Germany), who is also the originator of Psychosomatic Energetics™ (PSE), Rubimed remedies have gained wide acceptance with practitioners in Europe (and now in North America) in helping to break through deep-seated emotional issues and energy blockages which are often the cause of human disease and illness.

 PSE and Rubimed remedies are administered based on a testing method, which is best learned through a training seminar. The forty remedies in the Rubimed series are used for balancing the body’s energy centres (or chakras), addressing emotional conditions, transitioning away from the effects of geopathic stress and confronting acute conditions (e.g. anxiety, nervousness, etc.). Based on extensive use in Europe by over 2,000 practitioners, these remedies are proving to be the most effective biological remedies to date in addressing unconscious mental conflicts that frequently are the root cause of serious illnesses.

 A key component of Psychosomatic Energetics is the REBA test device, which resonates with human brain waves frequencies, as a means of determining a patient’s energy level in four areas (vital, emotional, mental and causal). Based on patient testing with the REBA test device or with a test kit alone, a therapist can quickly diagnose a patient’s condition and then prescribe specific specially designed (Rubimed) complex homeopathic remedies.

  • 86% success rate for depression, stress, anxiety disorders and trauma.

By Terry Cotter, B.Sc.
In 2010, I was at a conference in Las Vegas attended by over 3,000 MDs. We decided to show a booth there because many were Integrated Medicine specialists and I was keen to show them developments from Europe.

I thought the belle of the ball would be our Pleo Sanum products – replacements for destructive antibiotic therapies. However, the star of the show was our Swiss treatment for Psychosomatic Disorders; we call it PSE (Psychosomatic Energetics). Essentially, treatment consists of non-toxic complex homeopathics that build upon Bach Flower remedy ideas from the last century.

A recent clinical study involved 10 German clinics (Townsend Letter Journal – May, 2011). 1,011 patient cases were tracked for over two years and an astounding 86 per cent success rate was reported for depression, stress, anxiety disorders and trauma. The North American toolbox is filled with psychotropic drugs – mood altering, often sedative and sometimes destructive. Motivated by evidence we have seen abroad, we are offering ‘a better way’ for patients and their doctors.

When we apply the Swiss PSE methodology, we utilize a REBA device to verify and quantify the presence of an emotional or energetic disturbance. Measurements are charted and a practitioner can determine suitable action if required. The appropriate, non-toxic complex homeopathic is selected from among 33 available combinations and after eight to 12 weeks, the patient returns to confirm progress.

This October, I met with the REBA inventor, physicist Dieter Jossner. I asked about the workings of REBA to help me pass on the principles to educators and doctors. Dieter has been studying biophysics and subtle energy as a researcher and inventor for over 30 years. He now works in a rural Rheinau, Germany laboratory at a location selected for low EMF interference and lousy cell reception! Dieter discovered when one or more of the normal brainwave patterns receive an external intrusion of noise sufficient to disrupt quiet function (he calls it white noise) the result of the irritation is an involuntary and mild flinch of the thorax. The reaction is so subtle that a practitioner must watch for it using a biometric test to confirm a positive response and the patient often doesn’t know it’s happening.

 Essentially the device is a low frequency noise generator. A signal amplifier activates a variable quartz oscillator. The output is processed in a digital noise generator where dis-harmonic frequencies (phase shifted to cause destructive interference) are created within selected frequency bands matching the Delta (1.5 – 4 Hz), Theta (5 – 8 Hz), Alpha (9 – 14 Hz) and Beta (15 – 40 Hz) waves. A signal splitter separates the frequency spectrum under study and the amplitude of the noise is adjusted upward until the patient responds or a negative test is affirmed.

 Each of these bands of ultra low frequency are associated with their own behavioral and emotional capacities. The higher frequencies such as Alpha and Beta waves tend to be associated with higher physical activity, excitement, coordination and thought processing. The lower frequencies tend to be associated with meditation, introspection, relaxation, deep sleep and dreaming.

Much like a dog being sensitive to a dog whistle, the sensitivity to brainwave noise is unique to the weakened patient in close proximity to the REBA device. The output can also be detected by a listening device tuned to ultra-low frequencies. To an energetically weakened brain, the interference is like finger nails on a chalkboard.

Remember how we laughed watching dozens of students squirm and cover their ears when the teacher dragged their nails across the chalkboard? This is the power that carefully tuned sound can have on our brain and our physiology. In this case it’s helping us to help others.

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