Isopathic fungal remedies provide an energetic and physiologic signal to the body to act on out-of-balance microbial organisms.
- Albicansan (Pleo™ Alb) - for chronic and systemic mycosis (fungus) of the mucous membranes.
- (Pleo™ Cal)
- indicated for bleeding disorders, weakness of the heart and
circulatory system, lack of oxygen in the blood and digestive
- Exmymkehl (Pleo™ Ex) -
a combination of Albicansan, Pefrakehl and Fortakehl. For chronic
fungal conditions and all types of mycosis, especially of the mucous
- Fortakehl (Pleo™ Fort) - for all gastrointestinal issues including digestive mycosis and rebalancing gastrointestinal symbiosis.
- Grifokehl (Pleo™ Grif) - indicated for its adaptogenic effect on an unbalanced body, herpes virus and immunostimulation.
- Larifikehl (Pleo™ Lari) - for lung conditions, inflammation of the digestive organs and fever.
- Mucedokehl (Pleo™
Mucedo) - indicated for regulatory dysfunction of the lymphatic system,
increases microcirculation to the endocrine glands and brain, thyroid
function disturbances, upper respiratory tract conditions and
neuro-vegetative syndrome (anxiety).
- Mucokehl (Pleo™ Muc) -
for circulation and congestive conditions. Acts by increasing
circulation and decreasing congestion, especially by affecting the
cardiovascular system.
- Pleo Muc (Mucokehl) Eye Drops -
indicated for conditions of the eye including: glaucoma, cataract,
scintillating, scotoma and conjunctivitis.
- Muscarsan (Pleo™ Muscarsan)
- for detoxification (from drugs and medication), spasms of the
muscles, organs and blood vessels, migraines and nervous disorders of
the intestines.
- Nigersan (Pleo™
Nig) - for tubercular and paratubercular conditions (mucous membrane,
tissue and joint inflammations) and increase lymphatic circulation.
- (Pleo™ Not) - for both chronic and acute bacterial infections and conditions, especially for staph and strep infections.
- Pefrakehl (Pleo™ Pef) - for enteral mycosis when fungus is first entering orifices and for dental conditions.
- Pinikehl (Pleo™ Pin) - for conditions of the liver and spleen and for intermittent fever.
- Quentakehl (Pleo™ Quent) - for acute, chronic and latent viral conditions.
- Ruberkehl (Pleo™ Rub) - for all chronic conditions of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including allergy symptoms.
- Sancombi (Pleo™ Sancom)
- is a combination of Mucokehl and Nigersan and indicated for
circulatory and congestive issues combined with conditions of the mucous
membranes, tissues and/or joints.
- Sanoryzae (Pleo™ Sanoryzae)
- acts of the vascular system by stimulating the blood circulation.
Indicated in for disturbed circulation of the coronaries, internal ear,
headaches and high blood pressure.
- Stolonikehl (Pleo™ Stolonikehl) - intercostal neuralgia and antiviral activity with prophylactic properties against artificial viral infections.
- Ustilakehl (Pleo™ Usti) - for conditions of the uterus including hemorrhage, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, headaches and menopausal symptoms.
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