This homeopathic complex remedy is helpful in all cases of anxiety and nervous tension. It can help immediately in panic attacks and other acute states of anxiety or to prevent anxiety before exposure to stress, such as examinations, speeches and social gatherings. Anxiety is often combined with fatigue and chronic pain, so that one can try Anxiovita in these cases as well.
Piper methysticum D12, Hypericum perforatum D21, Cerebellum suis D21, Acontinum napellus LM18. 50 ml. Anxiety from a Psychoenergetic Standpoint
Reimar Banis:
Anxiety diseases are fairly common in daily general practice. It is estimated that, at some
point in their lives, 5% of patients have to deal with anxiety. This is often a transitory
condition – such as overwhelming panic before an important test – but there are many patients
who are gripped by enormous fears in the form of panic attacks, anxiety in a social setting and
claustrophobia. Normally, this kind of anxiety is easy to detect in a thorough interview; it is
markedly more difficult in the case of generalized anxiety disorder, which can be masked by
diffuse symptoms such as restlessness, exhaustion and discomfort (pain). In these cases, often
only a specialist can arrive at a correct diagnosis – but not always, it would seem. If one
considers the large group of pain patients, these forms of anxiety are often overlooked in
clinical practice, and thus wrongly or not at all treated. It has been my experience that certain
rare forms of anxiety disease are frequently overlooked, so I would like to discuss these as
well in this article.
The customary diagnosis of anxiety:
In clinical practice, anxiety disease is, as as is known, normally an exclusion diagnosis, once
other organic and psychiatric/neurological diseases have been eliminated. Not infrequently,
even that leads to a long disease course – or to anxiety diseases being overlooked in the
course of diagnosis. Anxiety diseases exhibit certain characteristics, first and foremost of
which is the inability to adequately cope with one’s fears and apprehensions, so that they
come to dominate one’s life. It is not unusual, however, at diagnosis time, for the original
triggering fears to no longer be in the foreground, having given way to sequelae such as
cramps, restlessness, pain, depression and vegetative disorders. At some point, self-
therapizing the anxiety is often what actually dominates, e.g. alcoholism, drug and
pharmaceutical abuse. In these cases, it is often (understandably) quite hard to arrive at a
correct diagnosis.
Diagnosing anxiety from a psychoenergetic viewpoint:
In my practice, I utilize an energetic diagnostic procedure known as Psychosomatic
Energetics (PSE). In this context, anxiety diseases are characterized by certain attributes:
1. Usually, low vital and/or emotional readings (below 40–50%, normal being 100%);
2. Typical conflicts with the themes Anxiety, Restlessness and Stress respond (often the
emotional remedies 15, 16, 18, 5–7, 21–24);
3. Anxiovita® responds as a specific for anxiety disease;
4. In the remedy test, Anxiovita® re-raises the vital and emotional readings back up to
normal values of 100%.
The aforementioned test responds reliably to the usual anxiety diseases – but not just them:
I’d like here – via some case descriptions – to report on certain unusual forms of anxiety
disease that turn up rather frequently in a naturopathic practice. Since, empirically, correct
diagnosis is the basis for successful therapy, proper classification of a disorder is of course
very important. Against this backdrop, any other procedural approach would seem to be,
strictly speaking, no more than a pseudo-solution. But even if one supposes that in practice
many roads lead to Rome, when one thinks of vegetative tension resolution, it would seem
important – especially in light of the often hidden anxiety diseases – to first make the patient
aware of the underlying fears. Anxiety is known to acquire its psychodynamic strength
primarily by remaining silent and thereby exposing very little that’s tangible – but if the fear
is given a name, then that is very often an important step toward recovery.
Unusual forms of anxiety disease:
Even when patients don’t tell about their fears right at the beginning, the tentative diagnosis I
arrive at on the basis of the psychoenergetic tests is often confirmed afterwards during a
follow-up discussion. That is to say, exaggerated fears are often symptomatically masked by
(for example) being generally accepted socially. For instance if, after testing, I ask a female
patient with chronic exhaustion syndrome whether she suffers from overwhelming fears,
she’ll say she doesn’t have any such – but then goes on to say that she worries constantly
about her children and can therefore think of little else, or that she has a lot of trouble getting
to sleep at night. In this case, the anxiety disease camouflages itself as excessive motherly
love, and the constant fears for the children’s welfare are probably just the outward expression
of an anxiety disease.
It became clear over time that – according to the psychoenergetic test – many patients with
chronic exhaustion syndrome, pronounced vegetative dysfunctions such as irritable colon,
profuse perspiration, cardiac dysrhythmia etc. and those with chronic pain, also have an
anxiety disease. When, after testing, I query these patients more closely about anxiety, they
tell me mostly about general socially acceptable apprehensions, but hardly ever about specific
fears. These patients experience a feeling of being constantly driven and of tension, also of
pain and general feeling unwell – but the underlying fears are usually repressed and are no
longer consciously registered. Even if I ask them specific follow-up questions, they’ll still
often reply in terms of exaggerated fears and worries (as in the aforementioned example of the
anxious mother who worries constantly about her long-since grown-up children, without
being able to give a specific reason why).
I’d like to present a typical case here:
Ms. S., a single 48-year-old secretary, has suffered for years from chronic exhaustion with
vegetative symptoms in the form of irritable colon and vertigo. She refuses to take any
psychotropic medications (plus they don’t really help all that much); a course of treatment at
a psychosomatic clinic brought no improvement. Psychoenergetic testing yields low vital
readings of 30% and emotional readings of 20%; the 6th Chakra responds to the conflict
Restlessness; Anxiovita® tests positive. She says she often worries about her job and in
general has trouble “switching off” at the end of the workday. After four months of therapy
with the homeopathic compound remedies Chavita® 6, Emvita® 22 and Anxiovita®, she feels
significantly better, livelier, goes out and does something on her own in the evenings, because
she no longer leaves the office in such a state of exhaustion. According to her coworkers, she
is able to be more assertive and no longer worries about her job.
Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), learning disorders and low self-confidence
often suffer as well from an anxiety disease, as the following case demonstrates:
Twelve-year-old Sara seems much younger than her chronological age. According to her
mother, she has headaches. The school psychologist’s therapy was not able to effect a
change. In the psychoenergetic test, very low emotional readings of 30% stood out. The
conflict Hasty in the 5th Chakra responds, as does Anxiovita®. In the interview, she expresses
a great fear of exams (which was evidently news to the mother, who seemed surprised). I
prescribed Chavita® 5, Emvita® 18 and (initially) Anxiovita®. At the follow-up examination 6
months later, the mother reports that Sara is markedly more self-confident, her grades have
improved and she has no more headaches.
Anxiety is psychoenergetically crippling and, over the longer term, exhausting; it lowers self-
confidence and the ability to concentrate and remain centered for very long. Anxiety also has
a large disruptive influence on the vegetative system, and moreover evidently raises the pain
threshold. Anxiety is a great energy thief and, working behind the scenes, sabotages (usually
successfully) all attempts to get back on one’s feet by one’s own efforts and to regenerate.
Many persons subconsciously develop a repression strategy in which they refuse to confront
their fears, recasting them as socially-sanctioned feelings such as worrying about a loved one.
Psychoenergetic testing shows that anxiety diseases are much commoner in daily practice
than is generally assumed. Particularly with respect to problem patients with hard-to-therapize
disorders such a chronic vegetative exhaustion and pain conditions, one often finds a masked
anxiety disease; the same applies to children and teenagers with learning and behavior
disorders. The post-psychoenergetic-testing discussion often seems to have the effect of a
brief psychotherapy, and to have a noticeably alleviating function. Likewise, the dissolution
of the underlying emotional conflict with homeopathic complexes (emotional remedies) is
often quite helpful. Based on my experiences to date with hundreds of patients, the results
seems to be long-lasting.
November 2006
Payk, Theo R.: Checkliste Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie [Checklists for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy].
Thieme, Stuttgart etc. 1998
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