Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pleo Sanum

Sanum systems refresh the body’s intrinsic capacities to heal itself. Sanum systems provide:

• Tools for advancing detoxification and addressing trace mineral and vitamin deficiencies;

• Tools for correcting acid/alkaline balance and conditions for healthy intestinal flora – both consequential from nutritional influences;

• Tools for modulating the milieu and the pleomorphic behavior of microscopic symbionts and parasites causing pathological indications;

• Tools for stimulating and normalizing the immune response; Sanum remedies are broadly used in protocols for chronic diseases, auto-immune conditions, degenerative diseases like MS and arthritis, benign and malignant neoplasm, Crohn’s and Chronic Lyme disease. This family of remedies has shown no toxicity, no side effects or interactions with other medications. These are the original German remedies by Sanum-Kehlbeck GmbH.

Pleo Sanum Product Line: Pleo ALB (Albicansan) Pleo ALKALA (Alkala N) Pleo ART ‘A’ (Arthrokehlan ‘A’) Pleo ART ‘U’ (Arthrokehlan ‘U’) Pleo CAL (Calvakehl) Pleo CERIVI (Cerivikehl) Pleo CHELATE Pleo CHRYS (Chrysocor) Pleo CITRO (Citrokehl) Pleo CUP (Cuprukehl) Pleo EX (Exmykehl) Pleo FORM (Formasan) Pleo FORT (Fortakehl) Pleo GINKGO (Ginkgobakehl) Pleo GRIF (Grifokehl) Pleo LARI (Larifikehl) Pleo LAT (Latensin) Pleo LEPTU (Leptucin) Pleo MUC (Mucokehl) Pleo MUC EX (Mucokehl Ex) Pleo MUCEDO (Mucedokehl) Pleo MUSCAR (Muscarsan) Pleo NIG (Nigersan) Pleo NIG EX (Nigersan Ex) Pleo NOT (Notakehl) Pleo OKU (Okoubasan) Pleo ORYZAE (Oryzae) Pleo PEF (Pefrakehl) Pleo PIN (Pinikehl) Pleo POLY (Polysan) Pleo QUENT (Quentakehl) Pleo REB (Rebas) Pleo REC (Recarcin) Pleo RELIVORA (Relivora) Pleo RUB (Ruberkehl) Pleo SAN (Sanukehl) Pleo SAN ACNE (Sanukehl Acne) Pleo SAN BRUCEL (Sanukehl Brucel) Pleo SAN CAND (Sanukehl Cand) Pleo SAN COLI (Sanukehl Coli) Pleo SAN KLEBS (Sanukehl Klebs) Pleo SAN MYC (Sanukehl Myc) Pleo SAN PROT (Sanukehl Prot) Pleo SAN PSEU (Sanukehl Pseu) Pleo SAN SALM (Sanukehl Salm) Pleo SAN SERRA (Sanukehl Serra) Pleo SAN STAPH (Sanukehl Staph) Pleo SAN STREP (Sanukehl Strep) Pleo SAN TRICH (Sanukehl Trich) Pleo SAN GER (Sanumgerman) Pleo SANCOM (Sankombi/Sancombi) Pleo SANUVIS (Sanuvis) Pleo SELENE (Selenokehl) Pleo SPERMUS (Leptospermusan) Pleo STOLO (Penicillium Stoloniferum) Pleo STROPH (Strophanthus) Pleo THYM (Thymokehl) Pleo USNEA (Usneabasan) Pleo USTI (Ustilakehl) Pleo UT (Utilin) Pleo UT ‘S’ (Utilin ‘S’) Pleo VER (Verrukehl) Pleo ZINC (Zinkokehl)

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